Strategic Organization: FEDEMSUR

The Federation of Municipalities of the Southern Region of Puntarenas (FEDEMSUR) was created on January 16, 2000 and is conformed by the municipalities of Buenos Aires, Coto Brus, Corredores, Golfito, and Osa. It is currently a regional non-profit with legal status and full administrative autonomy with regards to its assets and income.

FEDEMSUR promotes the autonomy of local governments and facilitates the financial, technical and administrative strengthening of municipalities, meeting common needs in the most efficient and effective way possible, through joint forms which enable the sustainable development of the southern region. FEDEMSUR contributes directly to regional development through management and the effective support of affiliated entities and the formulation and joint implementation of projects and initiatives that contribute to the sustainable improvement in the quality of life of the population.

Its strategic objectives include:

1.     Guide and promote the implementation of projects in the southern region that allow for equitable sustainable development, citizen participation, and improving the quality of life of local citizens.

2.     Promote institutional strengthening and the technical capacity of the municipalities that make up the Federation, especially with regards to planning capacity, impact assessment, fundraising efforts, environmental protection, transparency and a continuous improvement in services provided.

3.     Establish an operational structure and ensure qualified staff that allows the development of the actions necessary to deliver services in an efficient and appropriate manner in an attempt to achieve the organizational objectives.

4.     Strengthen the integration of affiliated institutions – and other public and private institutions – for the generation of joint, comprehensive, and sustainable development proposals for the Southern region, for the benefit and improvement of the quality of life of its inhabitants.

For more information, please contact:

Director:          Jorge Quiroz

Assistant:        Miguel Delgado

Phone:            2789-7885
