Get Involved

Requested Research Projects

Are you a researcher? Do you have a research project or idea involving the Osa and Golfito Region?  INOGO welcomes the opportunity to discuss your idea and to connect you to quality local collaborators. This is a great opportunity to have your research project address needs in rural Costa Rica! 

The ideas listed below are requests from individuals or organizations in the Osa and Golfito Region.  If you live in the Osa and Golfito region and have a research request, please contact INOGO to have your request listed here.

  1. Health study on the cost-effectiveness of a more specialized health center in Puerto Jiménez (as requested by the Comite de Salud de Puerto Jimenez)
  2. Groundwater studies for the communities of Progreso and Drake
  3. Water quality studies in the community of Sandalo, and the area between Puerto Jiménez and La Palma
  4. Study of the archaeological and cultural wealth in Osa and Golfito
  5. Study projecting future employment in the region so as to better plan the offerings at vocational colleges (CTPs) in the region (as requested by Mario Cambronero)
  6. The PSA (Water Security Plan, "Plan de Seguridad del Agua") for the canton of Osa and Golfito Canton (as requested by the Ministry of Health)

Please contact to learn more about these research projects or to become involved.


Volunteer Opportunities in Costa Rica

Many organizations working in the Osa and Golfito region rely on the help of volunteers.  Check back here for information on organizations that could use your help!

*Organizations: Please contact INOGO if you would like your opportunity listed here