Monitoring & Evaluation

INOGO’s Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) efforts during Phase II are being carried out at various scales: 1) the overall geographic regional area considered under the INOGO initiative pertaining to the Osa and Golfito Cantons, 2) the core geographic focal area of the Caminos de Liderazgo project that INOGO is helping to support, together with CRUSA and SINAC, with RBA as the implementing partner and, 3) the project Caminos de Liderazgo. Additionally, efforts are directed at two key components of sustainable development: 1) social and economic gains, and 2) environmental conservation.
Specifically, select economic, education and other social data from the last (2011) census have been accessed and analyzed at participating Caminos district and core focal area levels. A census analysis at the canton and provincial levels carried out by Programa Estado de la Nación provides comparative data at these administrative level scales. On the environment side, freely available USGS LandSat data covering the Caminos focal area have been accessed and analyzed for a series of landscape metrics. In addition, INOGO has supported collection of higher resolution Rapid Eye data that are being analyzed at both geographic scales mentioned above. The above analyses provide a source for assessing longer-term results for both sustainable development components for both initiatives. Comparative analyses for the above are also planned for lower geographic scales, e.g., project community level and around Caminos-affiliated tourist trails. At the regional scale, INOGO continues to contribute to dialoguing and providing a platform for stakeholders to consider data needs, sources and opportunities for collection and analysis[1].
At the more immediate project level for Caminos de Liderazgo, data are routinely collected by RBA on project participants and their corresponding microenterprises. Periodically data are also collected on progress towards the goal of establishing a management structure, Associación Caminos de Osa (ACO), designed to coordinate private, public and civil interests in the zone for the promotion of economic and social development. Additional efforts are being directed at assessing and filling in any gaps in the documentation of major benchmark achievements of Caminos de Liderazgo, as an example of how to develop in an environmentally sustainable way in the region.
Remote sensing baseline for the Caminos de Liderazgo program
[1] SELAL and LAPA are also supporting internal data collection and analysis processes that will yield additional information regarding the contribution of those efforts to INOGO’s overall results