Census-based socio-economic analyses
INOGO’s three Phase 2 programs - Caminos de Liderazgo, SELAL, and LAPA - all aim to impact various socioeconomic conditions. A key long-term outcome of interest to local inhabitants in the Osa/Golfito region of Costa Rica is greater economic security (i.e., increased economic opportunity and income) as a means of improving quality of life. In principle, this could also reduce out-migration especially among the younger cohorts seeking jobs that could, in turn, help the region maintain its identity over time. The Caminos de Liderazgo program aims to increase economic engagement and security by increasing local job opportunities related to ecotourism. Increased economic security could also come from improved quality of education, and skills development linked to ecotourism and increased social capital, ,both objectives of SELAL. LAPA is also exploring opportunities for increased diversity and stability of income for local palm plantation owners.
To provide a basis for assessing whether select socio-economic conditions of the area improve over time as a desired long-term outcome, INOGO supported analyses of existing census data, collected in 2011 before INOGO support for interventions in the area were initiated. Links to reports derived from these analyses are provided within the paragraphs below.
The National Institute of Statistics and Census of Costa Rica (Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos de Costa Rica, or INEC) is the government institution responsible for conducting censuses and other official studies. In 2011, a national census was carried out of both the population (habitantes) and houses (viviendas). Trained enumerators identified all houses in their respective area, assessed the condition of the house and whether or not it was occupied. If occupied, they inventoried all household members and posed a series of socio-economic questions.
In addition to national reports, canton-level analyses were carried out on the 2011 dataset by the Programa Estado de la Nacion (PEN). A sub-set of the same dataset was accessed from INEC and analyzed by an INOGO consultant at the district level for three districts of particular interest to INOGO’s Phase 2 interventions: Golfito, Puerto Jimenez, and Sierpe. The lowest unit of analysis for the census is the UGM (unidad geoestadistica minima), defined by INEC according to geographic size/boundaries (different for urban versus rural areas). INOGO conducted a series of analyses specifically focused on the area most likely to be impacted by Caminos de Liderazgo, and those reports can be found here.