August 2014: News & Events
Canton Soccer Festival
The Vice-Mayor and the Women’s Soccer Union (Uniffut) invited everyone to celebrate the Canton Soccer Festival, which took place July 20th, from 8am-12pm in the Municipal Stadium in Ciudad Cortés, Osa.
I Cultural Campesino Festival “Por la Tenencia de la Tierra”
The festival took place July 27th, 2014 from 9:00am – 6:00pm in the Finca School 9 in Palmar Sur, Osa. Activities included parades, traditional and children’s games, folkloric dances, as well as the sale of agricultural products.
Pre-Columbian Spheres declared a national symbol
Costa Rican lawmakers approved – during the first reading of the draft – a law that declares pre-Columbian indigenous spheres national symbols. This law serves to consolidate UNESCO’s actions a few weeks ago declaring the Southern Zone’s spheres a World Heritage Site. You can find more information here:
Read more here.
Youth represent Costa Rica in the Beach Volleyball World Cup
Youth represented Costa Rica in the U17 (under 17) category of the Beach Volleyball World Cup, held in Acapulco, Mexico on July 15-20. National participants included Yoel Jimenez and Josafat Vargas Urbina (Puerto Jimenez), as well as national female pair, sisters Lucia and Irene Gomez (ATENAS). The Costa Rican Volleyball Federation and Beach Volleyball Commission (FECOVOL) wished them much success at this event, which represented yet another Beach Volleyball World Cup participation for Costa Rica.