Advances in the Experimental African Palm Laboratory
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The Experimental African Palm Laboratory, or LAPA, is currently advancing. Coordinated by Diego Garcia, the tests plots have now been planted with palm and banana. The paired test plots are located in the following locations:
1 La Palma de Puerto Jimenez
2 Vanegas de Rancho Quemado
3 Rancho Quemado
4 En asentamiento INDER en Salamá
5 El Asentamiento CANAIMA del INDER en la Guaria de Piedras Blancas
6 En SERMUCOOP en Coto 63
7. El ensayo piloto en la finca integral de Diego Garcia en Piedras Blancas
In May of 2016 cacao will be added to the plantations, using improved variations from CATIE. The study of these test plots is being led by Dr. Rodolfo Dirzo.