Strategic Organization: JUDESUR

Southern Zone Regional Development Board (JUDESUR)

The Southern Zone Regional Development Board (JUDESUR) is an entity based in Golfito, whose purpose is to contribute to the development of the Southern Zone of Costa Rica. Its ​​field of activity covers the cantons of Buenos Aires, Coto Brus, Corredores, Osa, and Golfito.

JUDESUR encompasses a variety of projects focusing on social, economic, and productive development. Specific projects include community infrastructure, road improvements, computer centers, and scholarships for technical and university-level studies.

Its resources can be received by organizations or municipalities through reimbursable and non-reimbursable financing. In some cases, the borrowing organization must pay off a certain percentage of the total amount while the rest of the funds are given as a donation. JUDESUR can also enter into tripartite agreements that include counterpart funding, all of which allows them to maximize its resources.

Contact information:

Francisco Otero

Phone: 2741-1121

Enock Rugama

Phone: 8702-9084